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LogiForge's guiding philosophy is that computing technology is a means to accomplishing specific goals. Whether you are looking to gain a competitive edge, carve out new market areas, or reinvent your company, its ultimate justification is the value proposition. Technological meritocracy, in other words, is our credo. We are here to help separate the truth from 'techno-marvels du jur'.
Enterprise Architecture Consulting
Do Web Services offer real value? J2EE, .Net, or both? What do Service Oriented Architecture and Event-Driven Architecture offer in practical terms? B2B integration strategy? Our experience with mission critical enterprise computing systems and latest technology offerings will help you pick the best of breed solution. Our certified professional consutlants are available to assist you.
Independent Design and Code Reviews
We offer our expertise to help you evaluate the correctness and longevity of your design and code. The value of our reviews is in an independent, policitally-neutral, and objective evaluation of your solutions.
Development and Integration Services
Need to delegate the development or integration of an application or a component? We offer competitive pricing for development services, including support and maintenance. Our staff has extensive experience with Java/J2EE, C++, GNU/Linux, Open Source Software, Web Services, e-commerce, enterprise application integration and other technologies.
Need help in bringing your employees' skills up to date? We offer our consulting and mentoring capabilities to advance the capabilities of your development staff by working together to transfer our experience to your organization.
Contact us to find out more about our services.
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