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LogiForge, LLC is an independent provider of high quality services in the software development and information technology sectors. Our experience in a variety of vertical markets, as well as horizontal applications of leading technologies, enables us to deliver consistent, reliable and competitively priced set of services to our clients.
LogiForge Guiding Principles and Values
LogiForge, LLC was founded by a team of highly skilled professionals who believe that a successful IT service company must base its values on direct and open dialogue with customers. We firmly believe that a value proposition of any IT technology must be valued in practical business terms. Our experience and technical expertise help our customers meet their needs by keeping focus on the return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) of IT solutions throughout their lifecycle.
Executive Team
Andrew Serebryaniy,

Andrew has over 11 years of extensive experience in design and implementation of software systems. He has accumulated wide knowledge of open standards and software engineering technologies including object-oriented analysis and design, relational and object databases, modern programming languages and various development tools and environments. Andrew holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Kyiv State University in Ukraine. He makes his home in Atlanta, GA since 1996.
Igor Orlanov,

Igor has more than 15 years of experience in software engineering. He has participated in numerous successful projects in a variety of areas. Among his strengths are business analysis, database modeling, and object oriented design. His special interests include modern C++ design and web based business applications. Igor holds a Master's Degree in mechanical engineering from the Civil Aviation University in Kiev, Ukraine. Born and raised in Kiev, he's been living in Atlanta, GA for the last 9 years.
Contact us to find out more about the company and our services.
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